Kentucky Disability Resource Guide: Now Interactive and Digital

In June 2016, the Human Development Institute released an interactive digital version of the popular Kentucky Disability Resource Guide ( This resource allows professionals, Kentuckians with disabilities, and their families to find a range of resources at their fingertips within just a few clicks.  Continue reading

Screenshot of Anna Bard, Darrell Mattingly, other students

Routing a Path for Everyone

A group of students and HDI employee, Darrell Mattingly, led by HDI Disability Program Specialist Anna Bard, set out on a mission last year to map accessibility on campus so that everyone — no matter how they’re navigating — can have the information they need to get around campus efficiently. In the fall 2016 semester, UK Facilities Management’s Facilities Information Services will unveil the new interactive campus map that includes accessibility attributes and can route an appropriate path depending on a user’s needs.  Continue reading

Civic Hacking for Building Visibility

On March 5, 2016, OpenLexington and maptimeLEX, local groups committed to open learning and open data, joined forces to host Lexington’s 2016 CodeAcross event. CodeAcross, initiated by Code for America, is a worldwide weekend long initiative to organize action of its network of civic hacking volunteer groups. CodeAcross events work to produce open source technology solutions, data accessibility, and services for the citizens, by citizens. Code for America hosted its 5th annual CodeAcross civic hacking weekend March-5-6, 2016, coinciding with International Open Data day.  Continue reading

Empowering People to Navigate the University of Kentucky

The Accessibility Mapping Project is providing the University of Kentucky community with current and accessible mobility related data about campus. This effort is a multidisciplinary collaboration between the Human Development Institute, Kentucky Geological Survey, Facilities Information Services, and Parking and Transportation Services. Continue reading