Paul Wehman, PhD




Experiences: Paul Wehman, Ph.D. has been a tenured faculty member with Virginia Commonwealth University since 1980. Originally with the VCU School of Education, he moved to a joint appointment with SOE and the School of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and has now returned to an exclusive faculty appointment with SOE. His highly interdisciplinary background and pioneering work in the beginning of supported employment has facilitated millions of persons with neurodevelopmental disabilities, brain injury and spinal cord injury in countries all over the world to gain and retain competitive employment. As Director of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center and Director of the VCU Autism Center for Excellence, he has written extensively on issues related to transition from school to adulthood and special education as it relates to young adulthood and employment and is founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. Dr. Wehman has been the recipient of numerous awards, most recently the 2018 VCU Distinguished Scholarship Award, the 2017 Leader of the Year Award from the Virginia Division of Career Development and Transition. He’s been the Principal Investigator on more than $80 million worth of federal grants since joining VCU.




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