Jessica Whiting

HDI – HR Director

Phone: 859-218-4911


Responsibilities: All university and HDI HR related functions and procedures.

Experiences: 11 yrs experience at UK in Administrative and HR related roles.

Reason: HDI has an amazing mission and I am so blessed to have the opportunity to play a supporting role in that mission.

Research: My research includes supporting our HDI staff.


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From Dungeons & Dragons to Romance: Writing, Identity, and the Power of Representation in Disability and Mental Health

From Dungeons & Dragons to Romance: Writing, Identity, and the Power of Representation in Disability and Mental Health

“I think the first stuff I ever really wrote were backgrounds for my D&D character when I was in high …

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Mental Health ASL Interpretation in Kentucky

There is only one other person in the state of Kentucky who is certified to do what Lisa Amstutz does …

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Skyler Hill has worked in every level of business, but he’s never worked anywhere like HDI. “It’s not a traditional …