Elizabeth Thompson

Administrative Support Associate



Email: ElizabethA.Thompson@uky.edu

Responsibilities: Provide administrative support to the Retaining Employment and Talent After Injury/Illness Network (RETAIN). As such, I get to work with several different committees, community programs, and individuals. I also co-coordinate our HDI Peer Disability Mentorship Program, which lead to pursuing a disability mentoring certification through the National Disability Mentoring Coalition.

Experiences: Before coming to HDI, I worked for the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for about 8 1/2 years, which included work with the Kentucky Assistive Technology Service Network (KATS). Other work experience mirrors work focused on individuals across the lifespan.

Reason: To ensure an accessible digital experience for all OVR program participants and staff.

Research: Accessibility, Assistive Technology, Walking, Camping.


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