HDI partnership receives AUCD grant to support Kentucky families

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) has awarded the UK Human Development Institute (HDI) the Innovative Community of Practice (CoP) on Parenting, Behavioral Concerns & Strategy grant. HDI will partner with the KY-Statewide Parent Information & Training Network (KY-SPIN) and the Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities (CCDD) to utilize Centers for Disease Control (CDC) resources for families with children who have behavioral issues. Kentucky is one of three states to receive this funding that will support early care and education (ECE) providers with evidence-based training and resources to promote quality in the family engagement domain of the statewide ECE quality rating and improvement system.
HDI, KY-SPIN, and CCDD have a long-standing history of providing services and advocacy on behalf of children in the Commonwealth. These partners will work together to develop a state-level CoP to support parents with young children (birth to age 8) who have been identified or are at risk of having behavioral concerns by increasing workforce capacity through training. Joanne Rojas, PhD, Associate Director of Child Care Aware, is the principal investigator for this effort.

KY-SPIN will train Early Care and Education providers using AUCD’s Family Interaction Training modules. These modules are designed for use by professionals who work with young children to learn evidence-based parenting strategies to prevent or reduce challenging behaviors. Principles and practices from these modules will be combined with developmental resources from the Centers for Disease Control to engage parents at family events throughout the year. Resources and lessons learned will be shared with other partners that serve children and their families.
Project contact: Joanne.Rojas@uky.edu.

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