Executive Order extends Mattingly’s appointment to the KY Statewide Independent Living Council

On May 21, 2021, an Executive Order was issued by Governor Andy Beshear that extends Darrell Mattingly’s appointment to the KY Statewide Independent Living Council until 2024. Mattingly, a Computer Specialist at HDI also serves on the Hart-Supported Living Council.

The Statewide Independent Living Council, known simply as SILC, is a federally mandated, governor-appointed council. The majority of members are individuals with disabilities. The SILC is required to develop, monitor and review a state plan, in conjunction with the state Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL), that addresses the independent needs in our state; develop and support a statewide network of Independent Living Centers; submit periodic reports to DAIL, coordinate activities with the state Rehabilitation Council; and ensure all regularly scheduled meetings of the SILC are open to the public and provide reasonable accommodations when requested with a one-week notice.

Congratulations, Darrell!

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