
  • Universal Design Team

    Universal design is about making places and resources useable by a world that is very diverse. We all learn and live in different ways. Our goal is for information, communication and the built environment to be accessible to all. This is regardless of education, language, or disability. Our unit works with organizations to evaluate, deploy,…

  • Employment First Kentucky

    Employment First is the philosophy that everyone, including people with significant disabilities, can work in integrated employment. In Kentucky, competitive and integrated employment in the community is the first and primary option for persons with disabilities of working age who have communicated a desire to become employed. Kentucky became an Employment First state on May…

  • ISA Quality of Life Survey

    This survey is part of a larger settlement agreement between Kentucky Protection & Advocacy and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to assist people with serious mental illness and/or substance use in relocating from Personal Care Homes (PCH) into their own homes. Surveys are collected prior to the person moving from a PCH and…

  • Innovative Supports for Autistic Workers

    Innovative Supports for Autistic Workers

    Innovative Supports for Autistic Workers (ISAW) is a collaborative project, funded by the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Kentucky Office of Autism, and administered by the University of Kentucky’s Human Development Institute. We provide in-person trainings, online modules, and ongoing technical assistance to Kentucky Career Center Business Service Teams as well as HR professionals…

  • National Core Indicators Kentucky – Community Quality

    National Core Indicators Kentucky – Community Quality

    Kentucky recognizes the increasing emphasis on outcomes and performance assessment is more than merely a change in measurement approaches. It represents a change in the assumptions about what “quality” is and reflects a larger shift in the field of human services — specifically from program-oriented, formulaic models of care to individually tailored supports based on…

  • Southeast ADA Center – Kentucky Affiliate

    The Southeast ADA Center (SEADA Center) is engaging in research to examine financial inclusion across the Southeast region. Guiding its work is the Financial Research Opportunities Group (FROG), composed of experts in financial services, disability access, and community inclusion.The University of Kentucky – Human Development Institute will continue to serve on the FROG and advise…

  • Consumer Satisfaction Survey

    HDI has conducted an annual Consumer Satisfaction Survey of those served by the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation since 1997. Each year the data is analysed and the results are presented to the State Advisory Council on Vocational Rehabilitation.

  • Rehabilitation Technology

    Rehabilitation Technologists work within the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to serve consumers across the Commonwealth. These services include assessment, referral and implementation of accessible technology to enable someone to continue their education and to be effectively employed.

  • Learn the Signs. Act Early.

    Learn the Signs. Act Early.

    CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program aims to improve early identification of children with autism and other developmental disabilities so children and families can get the services and support they need.

  • IDEA Data Center

    IDEA Data Center

    The IDEA Data Center (IDC) is funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to provide technical assistance to build capacity within states for collecting, reporting, analyzing, and using high-quality IDEA Part B data. HDI is a key partner with Westat Corp, who is the lead organization for IDC and…