50th Anniversary Spotlight on Amanda Corbin
To me, HDI means helping people. When my nine-year-old was asked what his mom’s job was, he said, “She helps people with disabilities.” That’s what HDI does, and I feel […]
50th Anniversary Spotlight on Alice Wang
Work hard, be happy, and be positive! Alice Wang – Administrative Support Associate How did you come to know HDI? I was on the UK job site, looking for my […]
HDI Evaluation Unit awarded ITACC grant
The UK Human Development Institute (HDI) has been awarded a grant to design and implement a high-quality evaluation plan and process for the Information Training and Technical Assistance Center for […]
50th Anniversary Spotlight on Lori Norton
There are gonna be tough days but never forget why you are here, what HDI stands for, and never give up when it comes to making a difference in people’s […]
50th Anniversary Spotlight on David McKay
We’ve consistently improved the quality and quantity of the actionable data reports we provide to clients. David McKay – Evaluator How did you come to know HDI? Chithra Adams called […]
50th Anniversary Spotlight on Dana Manning
There are many different programs and talents under the HDI umbrella. Talk to people. Dana Manning – Research Coordinator How did you come to know HDI? I started as a […]
HDI partnership receives AUCD grant to support Kentucky families
The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) has awarded the UK Human Development Institute (HDI) the Innovative Community of Practice (CoP) on Parenting, Behavioral Concerns & Strategy grant. HDI […]
50th Anniversary Spotlight on Tammy Greene
The Institute will continue to grow and affect positive change in the lives of individuals with disabilities and impact the quality of early childhood education for all children in Kentucky. […]
Phillip Rumrill, PhD, CRC, appointed Director of Research and Training for the UK Human Development Institute
The University of Kentucky Human Development Institute announces the appointment of Phillip Rumrill, PhD, CRC as the Director of Research and Training with a faculty appointment in the area of […]
University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Core Grant
Since 1963, University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (UCEDD) have been working to accomplish a shared vision that foresees a nation in which all Americans, including Americans with disabilities, participate fully in their communities. Independence, productivity, and community inclusion are key components of this vision. Currently, sixty-seven UCEDDs in every…