Preservice Training Coordinator
University Center for Excellence (Core)
Phone: 859-257-3360
Responsibilities: Coordinate the family mentorship program for trainees; Faculty of record for HDI 603 interdisciplinary supports practicum; Provide orientation to new research assistants; Develop and implement a series of six to eight seminars covering various topics related to developmental disabilities; Coordinate and supervise long-term trainees in practicum placements; Responsible for course building activities for HDI certificate classes and ensure classes appear in UK schedule; Coordinate the quarterly meetings of HDI’s Consumer Advisory Council; Conduct follow up surveys of long-term trainees at various points after completion of HDI program within AUCD timeframes.
Experiences: I previously worked as the Program Coordinator for Project CARAT (Coordinating and Assisting the Reuse of Assistive Technology) with the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. Responsibilities included developing partnerships with community organizations across Appalachian Eastern Kentucky and providing medical equipment to persons with disabilities.