Tag: Document
Principles of Universal Design
The Human Development Institute has developed and illustrated its version of the Universal Design Principles.
HDI 2020 Annual Report
HDI has been at the forefront of helping to lead and guide what it looks like to work, learn and connect from anywhere. Read about how we adapted in 2020 in our annual report.
CTP Program Brief for Institutions of Higher Education PDF
CTPs are higher education programs for individuals with ID that lead to a meaningful credential.
CTP Program Brief for Students and Families PDF
Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Programs (CTPs) were created by the Higher Education Opportunities Act (HEOA, 2008). These programs support students with intellectual disabilities (ID) who want to attend a college or university.
HDI at a Glance: 50 Years of Inclusion and Equity
Safeguard Against Disability Discrimination During COVID-19 (PDF Fact Sheet)
This fact sheet is from the National Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities, in which HDI is a partner, and is based on guidance from the U.S. […]
Opioid Use & Disability
Fact sheet on opioid use and disability, using national and Kentucky statistics.
KY Health Data – NCI Resource
2019 National Core Indicators KY health data. This file includes health resources in Kentucky.