Creating A Safe and Secure Future – Supporting People with Disabilities and Their Allies to Plan for the Future

Since over 70% of North Americans die without a will, it is no surprise that people with disabilities and their family members, supporters, and legal representatives have not made plans for what happens when one of these key people in the person’s life dies. This can create a crisis and often negative life experiences for the person with a disability. This lecture proposes four questions that need to be addressed as well as resources for people to use to act on this important topic.

Carolyn Wheeler

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From Dungeons & Dragons to Romance: Writing, Identity, and the Power of Representation in Disability and Mental Health

From Dungeons & Dragons to Romance: Writing, Identity, and the Power of Representation in Disability and Mental Health

“I think the first stuff I ever really wrote were backgrounds for my D&D character when I was in high …

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Mental Health ASL Interpretation in Kentucky

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Staff Profile: Skyler Hill

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