Disability Program Specialist II
Phone: (859) 218-1338
Email: patti.logsdon@uky.edu
Responsibilities: I am spread across several projects at the moment, encompassing communication, inclusion and mental health. I provide technical support, create videos, and collaborate with colleagues to create and present trainings, including training materials.
Experiences: I have previously worked on other projects at HDI, including a peer mediation program implemented in schools, a digital storytelling project and a couple of employment projects. Previously, I worked as Parent Coordinator for Fayette County Public Schools Special Education Parent Resource Center, Inclusion Coordinator for the Arc of Kentucky, Event Planner for Autism Society of the Bluegrass, and Community Living Support Worker for people with disabilities.
Reason: I became involved in the disability world following the 1996 diagnosis of my wonderful son, Jake, with autism spectrum disorder.
Research: Autism, Inclusion, Employment, Housing, Family