Transportation Tuesdays: Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan Corporation

The Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan Corporation (KATLC) provides loans for any type of assistive device, equipment, or home modification that will improve the quality of life or increase the independence of Kentuckians with disabilities. This can include vehicle modifications, mobility devices, adaptive technology, hearing aids, Braille equipment, vision aids, home modifications, and more.

KATLC has provided more than $7 million in loans to Kentuckians with disabilities to obtain the assistive technology they need. Any Kentucky resident that has a permanent disability or is the parent of an individual with a disability is eligible to apply. Applicants must have lived in Kentucky for at least six months and must be able to repay the loan.

A non-profit organization can also apply for a KATLC loan. The organization must be providing assistive technology to individuals with disabilities, and it must be able to demonstrate how the assistive technology will be used for potential customers.

Learn more about KATLC, eligibility, the application process, and benefits, at

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