Summer Leadership Training Camp 2017

The Summer Leadership Experience is a wonderful opportunity for high school juniors and seniors with mild to moderate disabilities to get a glimpse of the college experience for a week this summer. This program is for students who want to transition to higher education. The Summer Leadership Experience is a day camp that will begin at 9 am on Monday, July 17th and will run through Friday, July 21st.

The program includes presentations and activities to promote self discovery; preparing for college; health and wellness; vocational rehabilitation; college admissions/student life/advising/financial aid; self advocacy; accommodations; technology; independent living; campus tour; mentoring; and round table discussions with college students and faculty. Lunch will be provided.

Camp Director, Teresa Belluscio, shares, “Students with disabilities will learn valuable skills sets needed to make a successful transition to college. A successful transition to college for students with disabilities is all about preparation, knowing your rights and having the self-advocacy skills needed to maneuver the college environment. Students participating in the Summer Leadership Camp will learn self-advocacy, self-determination and self-disclosure skills needed to succeed in college. Uncover these skills at our Summer Leadership Training Camp.”

The program is limited to 15 students, and the cost of the program is $10 to secure your reservation and T-shirt. Interested students will need to fill out an application and complete an interview with the Camp Director. You can fill out the registration form here.

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