New Online Learning Center Available through HDI

Virtual training at the Human Development Institute has a new look as a new online learning center is available for interdisciplinary online training. HDI is using a new learning platform to host free and low cost online training. The new online learning center meets requirements for accessibility, as well as responsive to the size of the device a learner accesses the site on.

The current course catalog includes training topics on early childhood, special education, and training for trainers. In addition, more content will be consistently added as the new platform is available for all projects across all the age groups who wish to develop online training content.

Stephanie Meredith, co-creator of the course, “Help! How do I Provide the Best Environment to Children with Down Syndrome?” shares, “I’m excited that even more professionals and parents can access our course that can help teachers create an inclusive environment for students with Down syndrome by outlining how to modify materials, accommodate for different learning styles, and find the best resources to help students achieve their potential. This new platform makes it even easier to find, access, and use this course.”

If you would like to preview a course, please contact

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