HDI Introduces “Transportation Tuesdays”

HDI introduces a new series: Transportation Tuesdays!

Every Tuesday for the next six weeks, we will share alternative, accessible modes of transportation and how to access them for yourself or someone you support.

For millions of Medicaid beneficiaries, a lack of transportation presents a serious barrier to accessing medical treatment and community-based services. Did you know that Kentuckians who receive Medicaid benefits can get the transportation assistance they need to get to and from medical appointments and other plan of care associated services?

This service is called Medicaid NEMT and is managed across Kentucky by 16 regional transportation brokers. NEMT Service is available:
• To Medicaid recipients of all ages who lack their own transportation
• To every home in Kentucky, no matter how rural
• At no cost to the rider
• To get to and from any Medicaid appointment or Medicaid related service

Learn more about Medicaid NEMT by watching short videos, listening to audio content, or viewing handouts here: https://transportation.hdiuky.org/nemt/

Contact Maria.Kemplin@uky.edu for more information.

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