HDI Evaluation Unit awarded ITACC grant

The UK Human Development Institute (HDI) has been awarded a grant to design and implement a high-quality evaluation plan and process for the Information Training and Technical Assistance Center for Councils (ITACC) Training and Technical Assistance contract. This contract is held by the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) and funds the provision of technical assistance to Developmental Disabilities (DD) Councils across the United States and territories.

Dr. Chithra Adams, Director of the HDI Evaluation Unit, will lead this collaboration with NACDD to develop a comprehensive approach to evaluate the effectiveness of technical assistance provided to DD Councils to support quality operations, performance, and outcomes.

In addition to the provision of technical assistance to DD Councils, the NACDD promotes the national public policy agenda, advocates for appropriations in Congress, and convenes members for leadership and development training.

Project contact: Chithra.Adams@uky.edu

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