HDI 50th Anniversary Spotlight on Christina Espinosa Bard

To me, HDI is my place, my dream job. I hope to stay with HDI for the duration of my career. I feel so blessed and lucky to be a part of HDI, and to get to do work that I love, that I continue to learn from, and that can make a difference individually and systemically. —Christina Espinosa Bard, MRC, CRC, HDI Community Education Director

How did you come to know HDI? 

Dr. Sheppard-Jones was adjunct faculty in my Master’s program, Rehabilitation Counseling.   

How long have you been with HDI and what is your role? 

I started with my Practicum for my MRC in 2007, and haven’t left.   

I’ve been fortunate to participate in advisory councils, committees, and commissions around campus, Lexington, and Kentucky, and I’m always proud to be associated with all of the great work happening across the institute. There are a lot of people in our state familiar with great people and impactful projects that have come out of HDI.   

During your time at HDI, of which accomplishments are you most proud? 

One of my biggest single accomplishments was working on the Lexington ADA Taskforce and helping to write code changes that were adopted into our residential and commercial state building codes.  

Looking back, can you please share with us a fun or fond moment you had at HDI? 

I remember the time I broke a wheel off of my first desk chair during an MIB parking lot chair race. One of my most fond memories that didn’t involve winning! 

Do you have any advice you would like to share with current and future staff and students at HDI? 

My advice to current and future staff and students at HDI is to find what excites and motivates you, and keep learning about it. I knew I loved assistive technology the first time Barney Fleming came to a class and talked about it. Keep talking about what interests you, we have such a unique position to incorporate areas of strength into our work! 

What do you think the future holds for HDI? 

HDI continues to grow and develop, and as we do, we are able to increasingly respond to changing needs. I think HDI will continue to grow, continue to build capacity, and continue to improve the lives and independence of people with disabilities all around us! Hopefully we can be a part of more collaborative efforts to effectively improve access to health care, full inclusion and community participation.   

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