Fall Seminar: Path to Employment for Veterans With and Without Disabilities

“Today’s military has almost all the occupations found in the business community. With businesses struggling to find qualified employees, veterans with and without disabilities can help fill the gap by bringing not only the skills but experience as well. The key is to match the right veteran with the right employer for the mutual benefit of both.” David Kuhn, Veterans Program Coordinator

Join us in person or online for our Fall Seminar series on Friday, October 20, 2017 from 1 – 3pm ET to learn more about the “Path to Employment for Veterans With and Without Disabilities.” Learn more from experts David Kuhn (Veterans Program Coordinator, Kentucky Office of Employment and Training, Frankfort, Kentucky) and Keith Hosey (Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist with the Louisville VA Medical Complex/Therapeutic and Supported Employment Services). The seminar will be held at the UK Coldstream Research Campus Human Development Institute Training Room 1525 Bull Lea Road, Lexington KY. A link to the live video stream of the seminar will be sent to registrants.

Click here to register for the seminar. For help registering, contact walt.bower@uky.edu.


  • David Kuhn – Veterans Program Coordinator, Kentucky Office of Employment and Training, Frankfort, Kentucky.
  • Keith Hosey – Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist with the Louisville VA Medical Complex/Therapeutic and Supported Employment Services.

The men and women that exit the military are highly motivated and skilled. They have been successful in their military service and are looking to continue to be successful. However, since most veterans joined the military after high school, they find the task of gaining employment difficult and confusing. For the veteran with a disability, the path to employment can be a long road to travel. The seminar will discuss the employment services and programs available, specialized staff to assist veterans, and barriers veterans face when leaving the service.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will become familiar with the employment services and programs available through the Commonwealth and Career Centers.
  2. Participants will be able to identify the soft skill difficulties veterans with and without disabilities have when seeking employment
  3. Participants will learn about negotiating workplace accommodations for veterans with disabilities.

CEU’s are approved in Rehabilitation Counseling in conjunction with the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. CEU’s are approved in Effective Instructional Leadership. 

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