Fall Seminar: Disability and the Arts in Health and Wellness

“A celebratory resistance, highlighting the parts of us that society typically shuns, Rebirth Garments challenges mainstream beauty standards through centering queer and disabled people of all sizes, ethnicities and ages.” —Sky Cubacub

The first session of our Fall Seminar series will be held on Friday, September 20, 2019 from 1:00 – 3:00pm EST about “Disability and the Arts in Health and Wellness.”
We will learn more from artists: Sky Cubacub, Elizabeth Daniel, and Reggie Weaver, and moderator, Jason Akhtarekhavari, Arts in HealthCare Manager, UK HealthCare. The seminar will be held at the UK Coldstream Research Campus Human Development Institute Training Room, 1525 Bull Lea Road, Lexington KY. A link to the live video stream of the seminar will be sent to registrants.
Registration: Visit HDI Seminar Registration to register. For help registering, contact walt.bower@uky.edu


Sky Cubacub
Elizabeth Daniel
Reggie Weaver


Jason Akhtarekhavari, Arts in HealthCare Manager, UK HealthCare


Talented people with disabilities make strong contributions to the arts and many other fields. This seminar will increase awareness about those contributions while exploring how the arts positively affect health and wellness. A panel of national and local artists with disabilities will share their experiences as working artists and the importance of the arts in their own lives as well as discuss challenges they have encountered while building their careers.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Increase an understanding of diversity and inclusion from the perspectives of artists with disabilities.
  2. Develop an awareness of how disability and the arts in health is engaging local, state and national communities.

LexArts has provided funding support through its Fund for the Arts. This program is presented in conjunction with the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. CRC credit hours are pending for Rehabilitation Counseling.
Download flyer.
Woman with Down syndrome holding a painting.

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