ASL Team delivers services at Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness

This past October, the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreting Team, housed at the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute, traveled to Orlando, Florida to deliver services at the Southeast Regional Institute on Deafness (SERID) Conference.  SERID is an annual conference that OVR State Coordinators for the Deaf in the Southeastern United States for health professionals, employers, consumers, educators, and others who provide supports to the Deaf, hard of hearing, Deafblind and/or late Deafened individuals. 

Kentucky was well-represented by Lisa Amstutz, Tara Eversole, Sarah Grubb, Chelsea Naugle, and Christina Vice who provided communication access to conference participants and gained knowledge from colleagues in their field to enhance OVR consumer services.  

The 2023 SERID Conference will be in Charlotte, NC and will return to Kentucky in 2025.  For more information about the conference, visit

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