50th Anniversary Spotlight on Kate Dean

The one piece of advice I would share is to take time to dig into the resources available through HDI to support your work. Regardless of the role you play or where you see your project fitting, there is more to learn. HDI is well connected within and outside of Kentucky and it’s exciting to see where we are woven into the fabric of multiple initiatives.
Kate Dean, Regional Child Care Administrator

How did you come to know HDI?
Prior to working for HDI, I had the opportunity to partner with HDI as a staff member of Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky. HDI’s early childhood program helped share the important message of child abuse prevention with child care providers in the field. I also had the pleasure of serving on the planning committee for the Infant Toddler Institute.
How long have you been at HDI and what is your role?
I have worked as a staff member of HDI under the Child Care Aware of Kentucky contract as a Regional Child Care Administrator since 2015. For a number of years prior to that, I had the pleasure of partnering with HDI on opportunities previously described.
During your time at HDI, of which accomplishments are you most proud?
I am most proud of seeing the variety of ways that HDI impacts families and the community specific to our littlest learners. HDI provides a plethora of resources and supports which help families and children thrive at all stages of development. Knowing that my role with Child Care Aware of KY supports inclusive environments from the beginning of life is a joy and an honor.

Will you share a fun or fond moment you had at HDI?
I enjoy the family focused care and concern that HDI shows. Being a field staff, I’m not able to interact with the full HDI team in person on a daily basis, but yet any time we are together, I feel included as a member of the team. Taking on new projects and thinking outside the box are lots of fun and HDI supports such creativity.
What do you think the future holds for HDI?
I think the future of HDI is bright. We are innovative and deeply rooted. The sky is the limit for our growth and contribution to, not only the field, but lives of the individuals and families we serve.
What does HDI mean to you?
To me, HDI means opportunity, inclusion, and honor. Being a member of the HDI team means dedication to ensuring the views, needs, and voice of individuals with disabilities are represented and met from the beginning to the end of life. HDI represents inclusion, innovation, vision, and practical application and that makes me proud to be a part of the team.

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