50th Anniversary Spotlight on Don Lollar

Only being a newcomer I see HDI as a wonderful partner on behalf of people with disabilities across Kentucky and across the life span.
—Don Lollar, EdD, Interim Director of Research

How did you come to know HDI?
I got to know HDI through my AUCD connection at the Oregon Health & Science University.
How long have you been at HDI and what is your role?
I’ve been serving on the CHEER advisory group for a year and as the interim Director of Research for nine months.
During your time at HDI, of which accomplishments are you most proud?
I’m most proud of helping to get the 2019 Research Survey completed and reinforcing a research mentoring program.
Looking back, can you please share with us a fun or fond moment you had at HDI?
I will remember working with students on their research reviews across an array of disability subjects.
Do you have any advice you would like to share with current and future staff and students at HDI?
Try harder to work across and coordinate programs. Too often folks get tunnel vision and are only interested in their program. We have too many good HDI programs not to work more closely together.
What do you think the future holds for HDI?
HDI has a strong future, particularly if you can build the health component to complement education and employment.

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