50th Anniversary Spotlight on Bethany Davis

HDI is a community that deeply cares about the growth, development, and well-being of all people by ensuring they have resources and supports for high quality of life.

Bethany Davis – Child Care Administrator

How did you come to know HDI?
I learned about HDI after being hired with Child Care Aware.

How long have you been at HDI and what is your role?
4 years as a Child Care Administrator for The Lakes region

During your time at HDI, of which accomplishments are you most proud?
Partnering with community leaders, workforce development, and area businesses to increase awareness of high quality child care in the region.

Do you have any advice for current and future staff and students at HDI?
HDI has a wide reach and many experts of which you can access.

What do you think the future holds for HDI?
Even more research and resources for families across the life span.

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