50th Anniversary Spotlight on Becky Slone

HDI assists Kentuckians, but is also influential nationwide in their research and development of early childhood resources. The people who work with the various projects within HDI are experts in their field.
Becky Slone – Quality TA Specialist

How did you come to know HDI?
I was hired by HDI in October 2005 when they were awarded the Quality Enhancement Initiative (QEI) Contract by the Division of Child Care (DCC).

How long have you been at HDI and what is your role?
I was hired in 2005 as a QEI Anchor serving Big Sandy, Kentucky River, Cumberland Valley, and the Lake Cumberland Area Development Districts. Since 2015, I have served as a Technical Assistance (TA) Specialist, working closely with the STAR Raters from DCC and the Child Care Aware Quality Coaches.

During your time at HDI, of which accomplishments are you most proud?
During my time with HDI, I am most proud of the regional staff that I have worked with. These wonderful people take their responsibilities seriously, and thanks to their hard work and good leadership, we are a leader in QRIS participation. I am also thankful to UK for investing in my professional development with an educational benefit to earn a M.A. degree in Organizational Leadership, with a Certificate in Adult Education from WKU.

Please share a fun or fond moment you had with HDI?
The most fun moment with HDI was during an All Staff Meeting when we engaged in a team building scavenger hunt. This was fun and helped build a sense of connectedness among the team members involved!

Do you have any advice for current and future staff and students at HDI?
Remember that the field of early care and education is always evolving. Change is inevitable!

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