2017 KentuckyWorks Transition Summit & Community Conversation

KentuckyWorks will be hosting two Kentucky events for family members, youth, professionals, and employers to discuss strategies for successfully transitioning students from high school to employment. A community conversation will be held at the Morehead Conference Center in Morehead from 5:30-7:30pm on February 27. A statewide transition summit, featuring national transition expert Dr. Erik Carter of Vanderbilt, will be held at the Administrative Office of the Courts in Frankfort from 9am to 4pm on February 28. All who are interested in participating are welcome to attend.

Both of these meeting will include conversations about new ideas and local strategies for ensuring youth with developmental disabilities have the opportunities for meaningful employment in our community. We will also work together to identify what is working well, what we need to improve upon, and critical next steps to improve transition outcomes

Dr. Kathy Sheppard-Jones from the University of Kentucky’s Human Development Institute shares, “In Kentucky, nearly one-third of people with disabilities are living in poverty. If we are to boldly address this problem, we must equip youth with significant disabilities with the tools they need to succeed.”

Contact Jeff White at jeff.white@ky.gov for more information about KentuckyWorks or the upcoming events.

Learn more and register for the meeting in Morehead.

Learn more and register for the meeting in Frankfort.

KentuckyWorks is a partnership program between HDI and the KY Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), KY Departmentof Education, KY Division of Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities, KY Protection & Advocacy, KY Office for the Blind, Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities, KY Office of Autism, and the KY Autism Training Center.

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