Kentucky Disability Resource Manual

This manual was designed primarily for use by people with disabilities. We hope that it is also useful for
families, as well as service coordinators and providers who directly assist families and individuals with

“This manual was designed primarily for use by people with disabilities. We hope that it is also useful for
families, as well as service coordinators and providers who directly assist families and individuals with



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HDI Interpreters Serve at the Southeast Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

HDI Interpreters Serve at the Southeast Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

Anyone closely involved with the Deaf community in the region will likely be at the Southeast Registry of Interpreters for …

From Dungeons & Dragons to Romance: Writing, Identity, and the Power of Representation in Disability and Mental Health

From Dungeons & Dragons to Romance: Writing, Identity, and the Power of Representation in Disability and Mental Health

“I think the first stuff I ever really wrote were backgrounds for my D&D character when I was in high …

Mental Health ASL Interpretation in Kentucky

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