Getting Comfortable with Disability

Are you afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing when interacting with a person with a disability? Do you avoid those interactions because of that fear? Are you missing out on a huge part of the population that could be customers, employees, resources … friends? Explore the attitudinal barriers faced by people with disabilities in all aspects of life. Hear real life stories that offer examples for each barrier. Join in discussion around etiquette and myths around a variety of disabilities.

Jason Jones, Christina Espinosa

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From Dungeons & Dragons to Romance: Writing, Identity, and the Power of Representation in Disability and Mental Health

From Dungeons & Dragons to Romance: Writing, Identity, and the Power of Representation in Disability and Mental Health

“I think the first stuff I ever really wrote were backgrounds for my D&D character when I was in high …

Mental Health ASL Interpretation in Kentucky

Mental Health ASL Interpretation in Kentucky

There is only one other person in the state of Kentucky who is certified to do what Lisa Amstutz does …

Skyler Hill Staff Photo

Staff Profile: Skyler Hill

Skyler Hill has worked in every level of business, but he’s never worked anywhere like HDI. “It’s not a traditional …