On May 21, 2021, an Executive Order was issued by Governor Andy Beshear that extends Darrell Mattingly’s appointment to the KY Statewide Independent Living Council until 2024. Mattingly, a Computer Specialist at HDI also serves on the Hart-Supported Living Council.
The Statewide Independent Living Council, known simply as SILC, is a federally mandated, governor-appointed council. The majority of members are individuals with disabilities. The SILC is required to develop, monitor and review a state plan, in conjunction with the state Department for Aging and Independent Living (DAIL), that addresses the independent needs in our state; develop and support a statewide network of Independent Living Centers; submit periodic reports to DAIL, coordinate activities with the state Rehabilitation Council; and ensure all regularly scheduled meetings of the SILC are open to the public and provide reasonable accommodations when requested with a one-week notice.
Congratulations, Darrell!