Universal Design Certificate Open House

The University of Kentucky School of Interiors and Human Development Institute are partnering to offer two Open Houses for the Universal Design Certificate. Individuals across a variety of disciplines deploy Principles of Universal Design to make products, systems, buildings, and other environments accessible to all.  Read more about Universal Design here:  https://universaldesign.ie/about-universal-design/the-7-principles. The Universal Design Certificate is a 12-credit […]

Universal Design Certificate Open House

The University of Kentucky School of Interiors and Human Development Institute are partnering to offer two Open Houses for the Universal Design Certificate. Individuals across a variety of disciplines deploy Principles of […]

WeaveChat AAC Features: TAALC ECHO in AAC

What is Project ECHOProject ECHO™ is an inter-professional practice network where education and related service professionals learn together through short, informational presentations on AAC topics and case-specific presentations. Case presentations […]

 NeuroNode AAC Options: TAALC ECHO in AAC

What is Project ECHOProject ECHO™ is an inter-professional practice network where education and related service professionals learn together through short, informational presentations on AAC topics and case-specific presentations. Case presentations […]

Kentucky Disability Benefits 101 Lunch & Learn – 5th Friday’s

At the end of the 30 minutes, you will be able to use the Kentucky Disability Benefits 101 website to show the positive financial impact of employment while still maintaining a person’s eligibility for Medicaid or Medicare. Facilitators: Carolyn Wheeler; Supported Employment Training Project, Human Development Institute/UK and Jeff White; Quality Assurance Coordinator for Employment Services