What is Next: Looking Toward Adulthood and Beyond for Persons with Disabilities
This lecture is designed to help learners understand the relationship between the benefits a person receives and their ultimate ability to live as independently as possible, with particular attention paid […]
Medicaid Waiver Redesign and Its Impact on Employment First
This lecture provides a brief description of Medicaid waivers and the role they can play in helping people with significant disabilities move toward independence. Topics include: What is a waiver? […]
Stay at Work/Return to Work (SAW/RTW)
Millions of workers in the United States leave the workforce each year after experiencing an injury or an illness. This can result in detrimental outcomes to displaced employees, employers, and […]
Toward the Full Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Society
Foundational to the basic rights and full inclusion of people with disabilities in society, regardless of their level of disability, is an understanding of and commitment to the principles of […]
Transitions to Higher Education and Employment (1 or 2 hours)
Transition to postsecondary life represents a critical passage for youth with disabilities. Moving from a system of educational services as an entitlement to adult services based on eligibility can be […]
Getting Comfortable with Disability
Are you afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing when interacting with a person with a disability? Do you avoid those interactions because of that fear? Are you missing […]
Disability in Kentucky
This lecture includes a snapshot of disability statistics for Kentucky, an overview of legislation and services with regard to education, employment and independent living for people with disabilities. Johnny Collett […]
Disability Resources in Kentucky
This lecture provides an overview of the Kentucky Disability Resource Manual and online searchable Kentucky Disability Guide regarding services and supports available to people with disabilities in the Commonwealth. We […]
History of Disability Legislation in America
This lecture will provide a chronological overview of the 100-year history of disability legislation in America that led to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and beyond. From forced sterilization […]