Lindsey Catherine Mullis

Program Director

Kentucky Inclusive Health Collaborative

Phone: (859) 218-4064


Responsibilities: The Kentucky Inclusive Health Collaborative provides inclusive and accessible information and resources on health and wellness to support individuals with and without disabilities to lead the healthiest life possible. Please visit our website ( to access wellness tips, lessons, resources, exercises, and more!

Experiences: Proud parent to a child who experiences Down syndrome; Dance & fitness instructor; Subject matter expert for inclusive health promotion and universal design in health; Clinical Director for Special Olympics Healthy Athletes program in Health Promotion; Sexuality & Disability Educator


Research: Sexuality & Disability


Lindsey Mullis, MS is the Inclusive Health & Wellness Director for the Kentucky Inclusive Health Collaborative at the University of Kentucky’s Human Development Institute, with an educational background in psychology, exercise science, and health promotion with certificate in developmental disabilities and currently pursuing PhD in Health Education Sciences with disability and sexuality focus. She partners with the Kentucky Division of Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities and Centers for Disease Control Disability and Health Program to promote healthy lifestyles for people with physical and cognitive disabilities and the communities that serve them across the state of Kentucky. She is an expert in applying universal design strategies to health programs and services and has partnered with the American Heart Association, Kentucky Markey Cancer Center, State Nutrition Education Program through the USDA, and numerous Kentucky state health promotion programs to incorporate inclusive strategies and broader access. Ms. Mullis is also a certified Health Promotion Clinical Director for the Special Olympics and serves on the Special Olympics Inclusive Health Advisory Board.

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