Students at University of Kentucky

Funding Opportunity to Establish a Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Program

The Human Development Institute (HDI) is inviting applications from Kentucky Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) for a 12-month planning grant to support IHEs in developing a plan to establish and sustain a CTP program for students with intellectual disabilities (ID).

To support the establishment of new CTPs in Kentucky, HDI intends to fund five (5) applications with a one-time award of $20,000. HDI plans to fund up to 3 applications from colleges within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, and up to 2 applications from other Kentucky IHEs. If fewer than the established number of applications in one of these categories are chosen for funding, HDI may fund additional applications in the other category.

Learn more, register for an informational webinar, and apply at the KSHEP website. Contact with any questions.

KSHEP Website Launch in white text on a dark blue background

Kentucky Supported Higher Education Partnership Launches Website

The University of Kentucky (UK) Human Development Institute (HDI) launches the Kentucky Supported Higher Education Partnership’s (KSHEP) website. KSHEP is a network of institutions of higher education (IHEs) committed to increasing higher education options, access, and success for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Kentucky. 

The IHEs in this network offer inclusive higher education programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, such as Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) programs. CTP programs support students with intellectual disabilities who want to continue academic or career and technical instruction at a college or university to better prepare for competitive integrated employment and independent living. All IHEs in this network are partners in the effort to increase higher education options, access, and success for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

There are currently three Kentucky IHEs with approved CTP programs: Northern Kentucky University, Murray State University, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, and the University of Kentucky (application submitted). These are all part of the larger KSHEP network.

The KSHEP network is supported by the statewide technical assistance center (TAC), which is a project of HDI. KSHEP-TAC provides technical assistance and support to IHEs that have established, or may be interested in establishing inclusive higher education programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, like CTP programs.

The KSHEP website provides resources for students and families, IHEs interested in starting a CTP program, and educators and community partners. Visit to view information sheets, videos, and other resources about Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Programs in Kentucky.  For more information about CTPs, KSHEP, or the TAC, please contact Johnny Collett at or Erin Fitzgerald at