Tag: Medicaid
HDI Introduces “Transportation Tuesdays”
HDI introduces a new series: Transportation Tuesdays! Every Tuesday for the next six weeks, we will share alternative, accessible modes of transportation and how to access them for yourself or […]
The Department for Medicaid Services Rescinds Proposed Changes to the Collection of Patient Liability for Long-Term Care Waiver Recipients
by Kevin McManis Between May and June 2018, the Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services sent letters to approximately 20,000 Kentucky long-term care waiver recipients detailing the amount of ‘patient liability’ they were […]
Fall Seminar: Medicaid Waivers 101
“What are the Medicaid waiver programs available to assist persons with developmental disabilities in Kentucky? What services does the Medicaid waivers program offer in Kentucky? How do I apply for […]
Spring Seminar: “ABLE Accounts and other Financial Planning Tools: The Importance of Developing a Financial Identity”
Millions of persons with disabilities and their families are often relegated to a life of poverty as a result of not being allowed to build even the most modest levels […]
Accessing the New Kentucky ABLE Accounts
The STABLE Kentucky program has launched in Kentucky to make savings more accessible for everyone! This program allows qualified individuals with disabilities to save up to $14,000 a year in […]