Haley wearing a black shirt smiling at the camera in front of a blue mural

Percussion Empowerment Project

A UK Human Development Institute (HDI) Fund for Excellence award has been given to Haley Potter, BA, to fund a pilot project aimed at teaching young girls about music, percussion, and performance. This inclusive extracurricular activity will be accessible to all students who identify as female. Students will learn how to read and interpret music, study the history of percussion and female percussionists, and practice performance etiquette. Supports will be provided to students as needed to participate fully in the class.

The HDI promotes inclusion and independence in all areas of life. The music industry, especially band, is historically male-dominated and many young girls may be discouraged or become uninterested at an early age. Young girls who look for inspiration from adults will rarely find a female band director, as 80% of band directors at large, public middle and high schools are male (MTD Research).  The Fund for Excellence award will support the project aims to increase the inclusion of young girls in the percussive arts by addressing the challenge of gender bias and increasing the confidence and musical knowledge of the participants. 

Contact Haley.Potter@uky.edu for more information.

HDI Fund for Excellence Awarded for Innovative Techniques to Assess the Effectiveness of KY Healthcare Program

HDI’s Tony LoBianco and Chithra Adams, as well as Pat Kitzman with the college of Health Sciences, recently received the HDI Fund for Excellence award to examine “Using Propensity Score Matching to assess effectiveness of health navigators on outcomes for stroke patients.” Heart disease and strokes, which are often linked to disabilities, occur more frequently in Appalachian Kentucky. In addition, “Rehabilitation providers have noted that people with disabilities in rural areas are at increased risk of secondary complications due to a lack of access to specialized support services and limited healthcare provider knowledge about neurological impairments.” Therefore, the Kentucky Care Coordination for Community Transitions (KC3T) program trains lay community health  “navigators” to support the transition of individuals with stroke and their caregivers. Continue reading