Recharging Resiliency Together

Register now for Recharging Resiliency Together! HDI would like to thank the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Quality of Life Grants Program for providing funding which helps give greater independence to individuals living with paralysis. This grant will provide our community with services and education that will truly enhance all our lives.

This virtual retreat will help you recharge your resilience by building your coping skills and expanding your social network to gain the necessary connections and supports to navigate the COVID-19 environment. After each retreat, follow-up group calls will be held to help participants use the skills learned during the retreat and lean into their peers for support.

Who can participate? Anyone 18 or older who has paralysis and lives in Kentucky.

What do you need to participate? Be available from 10:00am – 3:00pm for five consecutive days; have access to the Internet; have a tablet or laptop. Participants should select one session only.

Session 1: March 22 – 26

Session 2: May 10 – 14

Session 3: July 12 – 16

Session 4: September 13 – 17

Learn more and register at Contact Jason Jones at with any questions.