Project SCOPE is a nationwide initiative to train interdisciplinary teams in high priority states on evidence-based practices in screening, monitoring and interdisciplinary care for children impacted by Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), trauma, or related exposure. This initiative builds provider capacity and closes gaps in access and delivery of quality education, treatment, and support services for young children, aged 0 – 5 and their families. The initiative will support implementation of the model in KY from 2019 to 2022, and with the establishment of a community of practice.
Project SCOPE will address these needs through a series of interactive training sessions. The curriculum includes topics related to NAS infant and family care including social determinants of health, NAS, addiction and treatment, having difficult conversations, monitoring child development, trauma and its effects, and the role of peers in support to families in recovery. The sessions include an introductory presentation by a state expert on the topic, following by guided discussion of a current practice dilemma geared toward the specific needs of KY providers.
The Human Development Institute (HDI) at the University of Kentucky is a Primary Lead Program for Project Supporting Children of the OPioid Epidemic (Project SCOPE). Project SCOPE is jointly sponsored by HDI, the Wyoming Institute for Disabilities, the Nisonger Center at The Ohio State University, and the University of Cincinnati Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).
Project Director: Caroline Gooden; Project Facilitator: Christine Hausman; Technical Assistance Specialist: Brandon Cannada