Aided Language Modeling requires the communication partner to model the use of the AAC device by simultaneously touching the symbols for key words while saying the words of the message in a grammatically correct model. Aided Language Modeling is an evidence-based strategy and was found to be more successful than verbal prompting alone (O’Neil, Light, Pope 2018).
To implement Aided Language Modeling, use a core array – organized in subject, verb, adjective, adverb, object or noun, known as fringe order.

Speak slowly
Point to the
emphasize the key
Pause frequently,
Wait for the
student to engage.
Video Example
Watch this video clip for an example of Aided Language Modeling:
In the video, the teacher models for the student using his device. She touches the pictures on the device as she says the words.
Peers can also do aided language modeling. In fact, evidence indicates that students respond better and are more likely to use their device if engaging with peers (Kleinert & Kearns, Liu, Thurlow, Lazarus, 2019 in progress).