Other Sites Hosted by HDI
- ADA Transit Driver Training
- Brighter Tomorrows: Supporting Clinicians Delivering a Diagnosis of Down Syndrome
- HDI Online Learning Center
- Kentucky Partnership for Early Childhood Services
- Kentucky Peer Tutoring
- KentuckyWorks
- National Alternate Assessment Center
- Kentucky Disability Resource Guide Online
- National Center for Prenatal and Postnatal Resources, including Lettercase and Down Syndrome Pregnancy
- Supported Employment Training Project
Kentucky Organizations and Agencies
- Kentucky Division of Protection & Advocacy
- Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities
- Supported Living in Kentucky*
- Kentucky Department for Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addiction Services
- Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan Corporation
- Kentucky Office for the Blind
- Kentucky Advisory Council on Autism Spectrum Disorder
General Disability Links
- The AUCD – Association of University Centers on Developmental Disabilities
- National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research
- National Center on Educational Outcomes
- Regional Resource Center for Special Education*
- The Center for Community Inclusion
- Trace R&D Center at the University of Maryland
- The Sibling Leadership Network
Government Sites
- Commonwealth of Kentucky
- Legislative Information from Washington
- United States House of Representatives
- Library of Congress
- Social Security Administration
- Department of Veterans Affairs