For Individuals and Families
Below is a summary of resources and services HDI offers for people with developmental disabilities and their families — ranging from before before birth to adulthood. This list includes resources from HDI, as well as other organizations, about important topics such as advocacy, early childhood, education, employment, health, recreation, transition, and transportation.
Resources for Individuals and Families
- Mentor Family Program: Share your knowledge with professionals learning about disabilities.
- Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities: Work on KY state disability issues.
- UK Disability Connect: Get support for your loved one with a disability as a UK employee.
- Kentucky Protection and Advocacy: Find help or get involved with efforts to protect the rights of Kentuckians with disabilities.
- An Independent Life: Download video about people who moved from institutions to communities.
- Self Advocacy Tips for Students, Parents, and Teachers (PDF)
Prenatal and Postnatal
Find the following resources offered by the National Center for Prenatal and Postnatal Resources for new and expectant parents learning about a genetic condition:
- Brighter Tomorrows: Supporting Families with Accurate Information About Down Syndrome: Find free online resources for new and expectant parents learning about a Down syndrome diagnosis.
- Down Syndrome Pregnancy: Get free resources for expectant parents about Down syndrome.
- Lettercase: Request free materials for expectant parents first learning about a prenatal diagnosis.
Early Childhood
Get free child care referrals from the following services offered by Child Care Aware/Partnership for Early Childhood Services (https://www.kentuckypartnership.org) and Benefind (https://benefind.ky.gov/kccps)
- Speak to the Child Care Aware parent referral specialist by calling (877) 316-3552 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.
- Visit Benefind’s online database to find a child care provider in your area, their setting for services, their ALL Stars rating, and to find facility based information, such as licensing reports and deficiencies.
- Visit Benefind to learn if you qualify for financial assistance for child care
- KY Peer Support Network Project: Find ways to set up peer supports in your school.
- KY Peer Tutoring: View modules for peer buddies of students with disabilities.
- KY Post-School Outcomes Center: Learn about what Kentucky students with individual education plans (IEP) do after high school and connect to transition resources and supports.
- NCLB and IDEA: What Parents of Students with Disabilities Need to Know and Do (PDF) : Find out what you need to know about federal education laws impacting children with disabilities.
- Ten Questions Parents Should Ask About Alternate Assessments (PDF) : Learn how students with significant disabilities can participate in statewide testing through alternate assessments.
- Learning Opportunities for Your Child Through Alternate Assessment: Find out how to use alternative assessments to make sure your child is accessing the curriculum.
- Student Directed IEP: Watch a video of students actively involved in their education plan.
- Negotiating the ARC: Watch a video on how to make educational evaluation/placement decisions.
- KentuckyWorks: KentuckyWorks aims to enhance employment opportunities for youth and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout Kentucky.
- Community Based Work Transition Program: Learn how to move from school to work.
- Kentucky Supported Employment Training Project: Find information for job seekers and families.
- Dartmouth Supported Employment Project: Learn about employment for individuals with mental health issues.
- HDI Health and Wellness Initiative: Find helpful information about health and nutrition.
- Kentucky Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs: Get help for children with special health care needs.
- Health Issues for Transition (PDF): Learn about health care issues when moving from pediatric to adult care.
- Wellness 4 KY Recreation Guide: Find recreation opportunities for people with disabilities in KY
- Kentucky Disability Resources Manual, Updated July, 2019 (PDF): See this comprehensive guide to KY disability resources.
- Those of Us DisLabeled: A Guide to Awareness and Understanding (PDF): Understand different disabilities and how to foster respect and acceptance.
- Acronyms in the Disability Field (PDF): See this glossary of acronyms and terms in the disability field.
- Kentucky Disability Resources Guide Online
- HDI Online Bookstore
- Kentucky Transition Signal: Find materials and events related to transitioning from high school to community.
- Transition One Stop: Find information about the different transition points for people with disabilities.
- Life After High School: The Next Chapter (PDF): Learn about opportunities for people with disabilities after high school with examples.
- The Road to Your Future: Watch a video on making a transition plan from high school to adult life.
- Get a Life: Planning the Transition from High School to Adult Life (PDF)