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Supporting the Development of Communication in Children with Disabilities: HDI Seminar Series

March 7 @ 1:00 pm 3:00 pm EST

Presenter: Janine L. Schmedding Bartley, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Kentucky.

Register now at https://uky.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsf-qrqTsqH9LKPULg2mFhDkzJVck_sXkN

Description: This panel will provide an overview of how the principles of multi-modal communication can be used to support communication development for children with disabilities so that they can have access to communication in all parts of their lives. During the panel, past LEND trainees and clinicians will share specific strategies that caregivers, educators, and providers can use to support communication development in their day-to-day interactions with children with disabilities.     

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the value of multi-modal communication
  2. Describe three strategies you can use to support communication development
  3. Describe communication options for children who are non-speakers

Early Care and Education clock hours are pending from the Division of Child Care. School Psychologists may receive up to 2 CPD clock hours. Continuing Education units are approved for Physical Therapy for a category 2 course.