Our Projects

With extensive experience in program evaluation, public policy, and data analysis, we support local, state, and national projects by using cutting-edge evaluation methods. Our team members bring expertise in designing tailored evaluations, analyzing complex datasets, and providing actionable recommendations that drive impactful decisions.


Access for All Learning Network

A capacity-building, assessment project portfolio focused on building and assessing strategies for inclusive practices using high-quality instructional materials that help educators throughout Tennessee ensure that ALL students succeed in learning.

06/01/22-06/30/26, Principal Investigator: Jeremiah Pope

Bridging the Gap

Evaluate project activities aimed to increase supports to caregivers (measuring knowledge and capacity gains).

07/01/21-06/30/25, Principal Investigator: Jess Clouser

Disability Innovation Fund, Pathways to Partnerships Innovative Model Demonstration Project

Provide quality evaluation services for KDE on their Disability Innovation Fund (DIF) Transition 360 project to provide innovative and high-quality transition services to students with disabilities through the utilization of VR technology and a comprehensive parent mentoring program.

10/01/23-09/30/28, Principal Investigator: Mykal Leslie

Helping Others Pursue Excellence

The evaluation unit project IHOPE creates and maintains a data platform for the Department of Behavioral Health program IHOPE. The IHOPE program connects individuals to experiencing first episode psychosis, or clinically high risk individuals to support through a coordinated specialty care model (CSC). This data platform, constructed in Knack, allows for data entry and management for the 10 participating mental health agencies that are a part of IHOPE. The data platform functions to track the outputs and outcomes of the IHOPE program.The project reports data through dashboards and written reports.

07/01/22-06/30/26, Principal Investigator: Mykal Leslie

Information Training and Technical Assistance Center for Councils

ITACC (Information and Technical Assistance Center for Councils on Developmental Disabilities) is a federally funded training and technical assistance project. The Administration on Disability (AOD)/Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (OIDD) oversees the ITACC work. Section 129(b) of PL 106-402 of the DD Act, states that funding is made available to provide technical assistance to entities funded under the DD Act (PL 106-402).

11/01/21-09/29/26, Principal Investigator: Jeremiah Pope

Kentucky McKinney-Vento School Improvement Evaluation

To evaluate the current status of the McKinney-Vento student program and provide data and recommendations to improve outcomes for students experiencing homelessness in Kentucky.

10/01/24-09/30/25, Principal Investigator: Mykal Leslie

Kentucky Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Training Initiative

Merge is a five-year initiative funded by the Administration for Community Living to strengthen the training infrastructure of professionals across the state who are serving Kentuckians with co-occurring mental health and intellectual and developmental disabilities.

09/01/21-08/31/26, Principal Investigator: Jeremiah Pope

Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment

The primary goal of the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment (CSNA) is to systematically evaluate and identify the vocational rehabilitation needs of individuals with disabilities across Kentucky. Through comprehensive data analysis, stakeholder input, and targeted recommendations, the CSNA aims to enhance service delivery, improve employment outcomes, and ensure equitable access to resources and opportunities for all Kentuckians with disabilities. This assessment seeks to inform strategic planning and drive continuous improvement in vocational rehabilitation services, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for individuals with disabilities to achieve their employment and independent living goals.

07/01/24-06/30/26, Principal Investigator: Mykal Leslie

Kentucky Service and Infrastructure eXpansion

Evaluate a statewide grant aimed at expanding the infrastructure and delivery of behavioral health services for children and youth with welfare and/or justice involvement who have or are at risk of developing a serious emotional disability (SED).

09/30/23-09/29/27, Principal Investigator: Jess Clouser

Kentucky State Personnel Development Grant: KY Transition 360 for Educators

The project focuses on building capacity of education professionals through a comprehensive professional development program to improve post-school outcomes for students with disabilities. The goal is to increase the quality of transition programming for special education students throughout Kentucky LEAs in five priority areas: policy and procedure change, collaborative systems, increasing the quality of transition planning within student Individual Education Programs (IEPs), increasing student skills, and increasing student career development by implementing a tiered model of professional learning.

10/01/23-09/30/28, Principal Investigator: Jeremiah Pope

Kentucky State Systemic Improvement Plan

The SSIP focuses on supporting both elementary and middle school teachers around the implementation of evidence-based math practices and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Using the Active Implementation Frameworks, the SSIP centers around developing systems of support to close gaps and improve educational results for students with disabilities (SWD).

07/01/14-06/30/25, Principal Investigator: Jess Clouser

Kentucky’s LEADS (Leading, Educating, Advocating-Directors of Special Education) Academy

Kentucky LEADS Academy will work toward three goals: Recruit, Retain, and Increase Capacity.

10/01/20-09/30/25, Principal Investigator: Mike Abell

National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training (AT3) Center

AT3 Center provides training and technical assistance for all AT ACT Section 4 State and Territory Assistive Technology Programs and provides the public with up-to-date information and resources related to assistive technology.

10/15/22-09/30/27, Principal Investigator: Mykal Leslie

Project Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education 3

KY AWARE 3 will increase implementation of a three-tiered comprehensive school behavioral health system (CSBH) to reach students in the pilot school districts and develop a sustainable system to serve students across Kentucky. Implementation of the CSBH model will be facilitated through the creation of District Behavioral Health (DBH) Teams; KDE Implementation Specialists supports; training, coaching, and TA from community partners; and effective MOUs. Efforts will focus on Tiers 1 and 2 to reduce the need for Tier 3 services. The model will initiate an intentional sustainability assessment and planning process from the beginning of the project to ensure students will continue to have access to appropriate and effective behavioral health services post-project.

09/30/23-09/29/28, Principal Investigator: Jess Clouser

Retaining Employment and Talent after Injury/Illness Network Phase 2

The RETAIN Initiative promotes closer coordination among individuals and organizations who influence workers’ decisions about how or whether to stay at or return to work after a work disability. RETAIN programs implement early intervention strategies to improve stay-at-work/return-to-work (SAW/RTW) outcomes of individuals who experience a work disability while employed.

SAW/RTW programs succeed by returning injured or ill workers to productive work as soon as medically possible. RETAIN programs target individuals with work-related or non-work-related injuries and illnesses who are employed or at a minimum in the labor force when the injury or illness occur.

RETAIN programs provide services through an integrated network of partners that includes close collaboration between health care systems and/or providers, state workforce development board and local employment service providers, employers or industry organizations, and, of course, worker or disability advocacy representatives.

10/18/21-10/31/25, Principal Investigator: Jeremiah Pope

Shaping Our Appalachian Region

Evaluate the EKY Runway Program through gathering and evaluating data, conducting a program evaluation, and preparing a report and other appropriate materials detailing the results of that evaluation for the benefit of policy makers and other stakeholders looking to establish similar programs in the future.

10/01/24-09/30/29, Principal Investigator: Mykal Leslie

Special Education and Communication-Interdisciplinary Training

SPEAC-OUT is a scholarship program for special educators seeking a master’s degree in Moderate and Severe Disabilities and students seeking licensure in speech language pathology. Scholars participate in high-quality shared learning experiences, including interdisciplinary coursework, seminars, technology-enhanced integrated practicum experiences, technology delivered instructional practices, and collaborative assignments. Tuition stipends are provided.

10/01/21-09/30/26, Principal Investigator: Mykal Leslie

Teaching All Student State Personnel Development Grant

The TAS Initiative will fund training, coaching, and tools to help high school teachers and staff build an accessible learning environment for all students, with the goals of reducing the achievement gap and increasing the graduation rate and enrollment in postsecondary education through inclusive higher education, technical colleges, community colleges and competitive integrated employment for students with complex needs.

01/01/21-12/31/25, Principal Investigator: Jeremiah Pope

Tennessee Technical Assistance Network

The department (TDOE) seeks to improve outcomes for students with disabilities through the establishment of an accessible, streamlined Tennessee Technical Assistance Network (TN-TAN). TNTAN will provide Tennessee public school districts and families with access to evidence-based training, professional development, and resources through the department’s Best for All Central online platform (“Best for All Central”).

07/01/21-06/30/26, Principal Investigator: Jeremiah Pope

Title III English Learners Evaluation

Evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and overall impact of the Federal Title III (English Learners) Program on supporting students across the commonwealth of Kentucky. The evaluation will focus on identifying program strengths, areas for improvement, and the extent to which it is boosting student achievement and providing additional resources to engender a supportive environment for students.

11/01/24-09/30/25, Principal Investigator: Mykal Leslie

Treating Individuals Experiencing Homelessness, Team-Engaged Assertive Mechanics, SSI/SSDI Outreach Access Recovery

Provide evaluation of a SAMHSA funded project with the goal of identifying individuals experiencing homelessness and serious mental illness, serious emotional disability, and/or co-occurring disorders and helping them to access services and supports.

09/30/24-09/29/29, Principal Investigator: Jess Clouser

Volunteers of America Pregnant and Postpartum Woman

This grant supports a residential treatment program for alcohol and/or drug dependent pregnant women and women with young children. The program uses evidenced-based clinical services model of recovery and holistic, family-centered treatment to address the cycle of addiction with children while simultaneously treating their mothers.

10/01/20-08/30/25, Principal Investigator: Mykal Leslie

View Past Projects

Community Work Transition Program

Evaluate the outcomes of services for high school students receiving services.

01/01/10-06/30/23, Principal Investigator: Phil Rumrill

Disaster Resilience Grant

The Kentucky Disaster Behavioral Health Response Grant will provide crisis services, mental health and substance use disorder treatment, recovery services, and other related supports to adults and school-aged children in 21 counties in the Appalachian region of Kentucky impacted by natural disasters during 2019.

10/01/20-09/30/22, Principal Investigator: Jeremiah Pope

The Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities

To improve access to anti-discrimination medical protocols for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Center’s initiatives focus on effectuating change in four focus areas,: aging and end of life care, mental health and suicide prevention, prenatal genetic testing, and life saving measures (organ transplant).

09/30/19-09/30/22, Principal Investigator: Jeremiah Pope