Strength in Neurodiversity: Inclusive Mental Health Care for Providers, Professionals, & Community Members
This webinar gives an overview of neurodiversity, including the medical v. social models of neurodiversity. For mental health care providers, it provides practical tips and skills for creating a more […]
Mental Health Texas
Mental Health Texas provides learning and treatment opportunities for people with mental health conditions and those who support them.
The Link Center
The Link Center works to improve supports available to children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), brain injuries, and other cognitive disabilities with co-occurring mental health conditions. The […]
Mental Health in People with disabilities, advocates with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center)
Recording of online community discussion with VKC researchers discussing mental health and IDD, including increased stigma, accessibility and affordability of supports and treatment options.
Partnership for a Resilient Kentucky
Partnership for a Resilient Kentucky (PaRK) is a network of organizations and People with disabilities, advocates dedicated to promoting positive childhood experiences and resilience across the lifespan and addressing the […]
MHDD Module: Discapacidad 101
Siguiendo este módulo, los participantes podrán: Describe las definiciones de discapacidad, Hablar sobre la historia de la discapacidad y el movimiento por los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, Reconocer […]
Summer Leadership Experience 2023
What comes next after you graduate high school? When students toss their caps in the air, a whole new world opens up and they’re faced with a number of new […]
HDI Photo Library Available Now!
Stock photography lacks disability representation. The photos are often staged and use models without disabilities resulting in misrepresentation and unnatural scenes. Staff from the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute […]
Ohio DODD: Psychotic Disorders in People with Developmental Disabilities
Learn about the diagnosis for psychotic disorders in people with IDD, including descriptions of common presentations, discussion of treatment, and medication monitoring.
Ohio DODD: Mood Disorders and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Learn how mood disorders manifest in people with ID, including diagnostic and treatment challenges, and methods of overcoming them.