The name of this body shall be the Community Advisory Council (CAC) of the University of Kentucky Human Development Institute, a University Center for Excellence.
The mission of the Consumer Advisory Council is: To strengthen the work of the Human Development Institute by giving advisement and direction to the HDI, advocating for systems change, assisting with evaluation of HDI effectiveness, reviewing and assisting in the development of HDI proposals, and sharing information about the HDI with others. The Consumer Advisory Council officers are individuals with disabilities and/or family members. The Council is strongly committed to developing the leadership capacity of individuals and families.
Section 1: Composition
A. The CAC shall be composed of members representing the following entities:
- Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
- Family Members of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
- State Protection and Advocacy System
- University and student representatives
- State Developmental Disabilities Council
- State Developmental Disabilities Division
- Local and/or private non-profit agencies concerned with services for persons with developmental disabilities
- Parent support, training, and information programs
- Kentucky Department of Education
- Kentucky Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
B. CAC membership shall include representatives representing geographic and cultural diversity within the state of Kentucky.
C. Up to one consumer or family representative on the CAC may be an employee of the Human Development Institute.
Section 2: Terms
A. Terms for officers are two years, with annual elections to be held at the last meeting of each calendar year. No officer may serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position. Chairperson-elect will serve one year under incumbent Chair, then will serve one year as Chair. The Chair, Vice-Chair, and HDI Executive Director will serve as the CAC Executive Council.
B. Terms for members are to be staggered over three years following initial appointments of one, two, and three years, excluding agency heads and the HDI Executive Director, which are permanent positions.
C. Each member may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms of no more than 6 years. Beginning in 2001, individual terms will be rotated. Terms for each member will be calculated from the point of the enactment of these by-laws – December 11, 2000.
Section 3: Selection
A. New members filling vacancies due to expiration of appointment or resignation, shall be selected by the voting members of the CAC at the next scheduled meeting after which the appointment or resignation takes place, or as soon thereafter as feasible..
The Project Director of the University Affiliated Program shall be the staff liaison to the CAC, and shall be responsible for ensuring the following staff supports:
- taking, typing and dispersing minutes
- consulting with the Chair or designee regarding meeting agenda items
- providing requested project information
- advance notice of UAP activities
- mailing notices and materials required by the CAC
- maintaining communication network with the CAC membership
- other supports, as needed
Other staff members of the UAP should be available to attend meetings of the CAC, upon invitation by the CAC Chair or the UAP Executive Director.
Section 1: Meetings
A. Quarterly meetings for the entire calendar year will be scheduled during the CAC meeting in which officers of the Council are elected.
B. Meetings are conducted via the participation of all members attending.
Section 2: Voting
A. Voting members include all regular, appointed members.
B. Members must be present or assign a designated proxy to vote. Other substitutes may attend to obtain information, but are not considered a member for that meeting and may not vote in place of the appointed member.
Section 3: Quorum
A. A quorum for all meetings shall consist of a majority of voting members present at the scheduled meeting.
Officers for the CAC are the Chairperson and Chairperson-Elect.
The Chairperson will preside at all meetings of the CAC. The Chairperson will work with the UAP Executive Director or designee to plan the agendas for each CAC meeting. The Chairperson will serve as the spokesperson for the CAC, representing policies and recommendations approved by the CAC for implementation by the UAP.
The Vice Chairperson will perform the duties of the Chairperson in all cases in which the Chairperson is unable to serve.
Membership and service on the CAC are voluntary. However, upon agreeing to serve, regular attendance and participation at the CAC meetings is required. Following absence at two consecutive meetings, the member will be contacted and polled regarding continued interest in serving. If the member chooses to remain active, continued absences may result in a request by the CAC Chairperson that the individual member resign from the CAC.
Members of the CAC, excluding agency heads and the HDI Executive Director, shall be reimbursed for all expenses incurred for meeting attendance, including parking, ground transportation, overnight accommodations, meals, and child and personal care services.
HDI Consumer Advisory Council members who are not representatives of state agencies, and who are not employed or who must forfeit wages from other employment to attend Council meetings, may elect to be compensated for participation in Council meetings. Compensation should be at the rate of $100 per meeting.
Section 1: Executive Council
The Executive Council will confer and make any decisions related to CAC business between CAC meetings, and will consult the individuals members as the situation dictates
Section 2: Project Review Committee
There shall be established a standing committee of the CAC called the Project Review Committee. This committee shall consist of no less than three members of CAC appointed by the Chairperson to do the following functions:
- Review outcomes of the individual grant objectives in order to build on grant accomplishments and to encourage the adoption of model programs within existing support mechanisms.
- Provide letters of support for proposed research grants
- Ensure that the guiding principles of the CAC are dynamically incorporated into all stages of the grants procurement and implementation.
- Report its findings at regularly scheduled meetings of the CAC.
Amendments to these by-laws may be requested by any member of the CAC.
Amendments shall become effective upon approval by a majority of the voting members present at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the CAC.
Amended June 7, 2004