HDI 2017 Annual Report and Video

Take a look at how HDI is building a more inclusive world in Kentucky and beyond! You can read our annual report to find out what we have done this past year and check out our HDI Overview Video to find out what we do every day.

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I am pleased to share with you the Human Development Institute’s Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report. HDI stands as Kentucky’s Center on Disability at the University of Kentucky. This was a year of change, of growth, and of softening the ground for new opportunities. Included in this overview you will find data that outline some of our accomplishments around research, education, training and information sharing, along with spotlights of our staff, students, and those we serve. I hope you enjoy this glimpse into some of our most recent work. Thank you for your support and for your partnership in helping to building brighter tomorrows, today.

Most Sincerely,

Dr. Kathy Sheppard-Jones, Executive Director

Read the HDI 2017 Annual Report

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