Electronic Forms Training

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Electronic Forms
Lesson 2: Excel Spreadsheet Fundamentals
Lesson 3: Folder & File Organization
Lesson 4: Download and Copy the CWTP Files
Lesson 5: Rename the Files for Each Student
Lesson 6: A Tour Through the Transition Services File
Lesson: 7: Completing the Positive Personal Profile
Lesson 8: Completing the Family Engagement Interview
Lesson 9: Completing and Submitting the Comprehensive Vocational Assessment Student Activity Report
Lesson 10: Completing the Comprehensive Vocational Assessment
Lesson 11: Submitting the Positive Personal Profile, Family Engagement Interview, and Comprehensive Vocational Assessment Reports and  Invoice
Lesson 12: Completing and Submitting the Job Development/Job Coaching Planning Meeting Report and Invoice
Lesson 13: Tour the JD_JC Report File
Lesson 14: Completing and Submitting Job Development/Job Coaching Monthly Reports
Lesson 15: Completing and Submitting Job Development/Job Coaching Quarterly Invoices
Lesson 16: Completing and Submitting the Supported Employment Meeting Report and Invoice
Lesson 17: Completing and Submitting the Exit Planning Meeting Report and Invoice
Lesson 18: Completing the Job Placement Report and Invoice
Lesson 19: Competing and Submitting the Employment Follow-up Report and Invoice
Lesson 20: Reminders, Helpful Hints & Technical Assistance    

For Electronic Forms Training TA contact:
Jill Griffiths
Community Work Transition Program
Kentucky Alternate Assessment Program
Human Development Institute-UK
2 Romar Court
Huntington, WV 25705
Office: 304.523.7900