The Community Work Transition Program (CWTP) is a fee-for-service program linking CWTP to two legislative acts. The program links to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that has a primary purpose to ensure all children with disabilities have available a free and appropriate public education designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment and independent living. The IDEA contains transition services requirements, which must be addressed in the Individual Education Program (IEP) when the student turns 16, or younger if determined appropriate. The CWTP also addresses the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requirements of providing Pre-Employment Transition Services and Transition Services to students, promoting successful movement into competitive integrated employment prior to exiting high school. WIOA intends to increase employment opportunities, especially for individuals who face barriers to competitive integrated employment, and invests in the critical connection between education and career preparation. The IDEA and WIOA regulations for both schools and OVR programs define transition services similarly. The CWTP helps students with disabilities gain skills and obtain resources to be career ready through services provided by an Employment Specialist. The CWTP is designed to provide students with a variety of opportunities and experiences in preparation for competitive integrated employment. The program includes both Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) and Individualized Transition Services (ITS), with a primary focus on ITS. It is a cooperative effort between participating local education agencies, the Kentucky Department of Education, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Human Development Institute at the University of Kentucky.