Seminar Series

Our Seminar Series provides interactive seminars on current topics relevant to people with disabilities, families, and professionals. Seminars are broadcast live via the Zoom webinar platform , enabling participants to join online through the live video stream. Continuing education units (CEUs) are often available for various disciplines. We also record the seminars and make them available on this page.

Presenters: Jordan Phemister, PLA, ASLA, Joe Howell, PLA, ASLA and Ryan Hargrove, PhD
Presenter: DJ Hendricks, EdD
During times of economic stress, leveraging all available resources is vital. JAN provides free and confidential information on accommodating people with disabilities in the workplace. Whether it’s information on devices, hardware and software, or helpful policy changes, the experienced consultants at JAN can provide you with information that is both current and customized to your specific situation.
Presenters: Brian T. McMahon, PhD, Phillip D. Rumrill, PhD
Moderator: Walt Bower, PhD
There are hundreds of thousands of individuals with significant disabilities who remain unemployed in this country. This is a massive waste of a valuable human resource. Businesses of all sizes and industries have indicated their interest in hiring persons with disabilities, but they want to know more about how to find qualified workers, how to support them in productive jobs and how to best retain them. The key to both of these critical issues is to help community rehabilitation programs, rehabilitation counselors, and transition specialists to reach out to business to establish long term partnerships.
The speakers for this interactive seminar are rehabilitation counselors discussing their experiences of working with individuals having a disability and aging. They will discuss how disability, including age related disabilities, may be accommodated as individuals continue to work past the traditional age of retirement. The presenters will review resources available, including assistive technology, in the workplace.
Presenter: Kara Ayers, PhD. Director of the Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
An overview of medical discrimination and healthcare inequities experienced by people with disabilities. Goals and objectives for the newly established Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities will be presented along with the Center’s five areas of focus: Prenatal diagnosis of disability, suicidality among people with disabilities, aging and end-of life care with a disability, discrimination in organ transplantation, and COVID-19 response related to the disability community. Seemingly diverse, these areas of focus share the same emphasis on addressing the bias and stigma about disability that results in poor health outcomes for the disabled community.
Presenters: Arthur Campbell Jr, Frank Huffman, Maria Kemplin
Accessible, affordable transportation is an essential part of inclusive community life. Arthur Campbell, a disability rights advocate who has dedicated his life to transportation equity, will share a history of the movement for accessible transportation. Frank Huffman, an emerging leader for accessible transportation, will share insight on the ongoing efforts for transportation services in rural areas. Transportation Initiative project director Maria Kemplin will provide an overview of transportation options available.