Kentucky Sibling Leadership Network Conference: “Denial is NOT a River in Egypt”

Register for the Kentucky Sibling Leadership Network Conference on Saturday, March 19, 2016 to learn more about topics for siblings that are too often ignored or avoided, including the importance of planning for the future, services and informal supports, supported decision making and guardianship, supplemental and special needs trusts, and the Able Act.

HDI’s, Carolyn Wheeler shares, “Siblings of people with disabilities have traditionally been overlooked by parents, professionals and researchers as a group with support needs and as potential advocates for their siblings with disabilities. Siblings often take on significant responsibilities in their lives of their brother or sister when parents are no longer able to fill this role. Conversations between parents and adult children on the topics of death, medical incapacitation, healthcare directives and wills are difficult. They are often put off, and in worst cases, NEVER HAPPEN.  This event is designed to jump start these  important conversations between parents and adult siblings as well as provide planning information and resources. Sibling supporters, which include service providers, are also welcome to attend to gain knowledge about how they can assist in encouraging healthy dialogue to create as safe and secure a future as possible for all parties involved.”

Download KYSLN Program and Registration: KYSLN – March 19 Brochure

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