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HDI named a Recertification Provider by the Society for Human Resource Management

HDI has been named a Recertification Provider by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). 

This allows HDI to award HR professionals with credits for professional development, abbreviated to PDCs.

“As a Recertification Provider, HDI can provide educational offerings including conferences, college/university courses, seminars, workshops, videoconferences, webcasts, e-learning to SHRM credentialed professionals to become recertified,” said Kimberly Wickert, Director of Organizational Partnerships. 

Under normal circumstances, HDI would have had to seek pre-approval to offer PDCs for programs like this, but with its certification from SHRM, the need for that step is eliminated. This is important because HR professionals can earn SHRM credentials for meeting certain goals. This makes it easier to help HR professionals meet these goals. 

“Several of our educational offerings developed and taught by HDI employees focus on employment,” Wickert said. “As SHRM’s point of contact, I can work with other HDI employees to confirm our trainings meet the SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge (BASK) components. As such, HDI trainings, courses, webinars, and presentations can draw SHRM certified professionals looking to earn PDCs.”

SHRM chooses to certify organizations that are already putting out quality material and training that meets the BASK standards and are equipped to continue doing so. 

“The application process required that we (HDI) have been in operation offering Human Resource programming for a minimum of one year with high-quality programming that is developed and presented by subject matter experts who know how to design and facilitate learning,” Wickert said. “SHRM Recertification Provider Program required that HDI has the resources to appropriately support effective program delivery and evaluation as a selection criteria.”

And for HDI, this means another opportunity to educate and advocate about inclusivity in the workplace, especially for people with disabilities. 

“Being a SHRM recertification provider is aligned with HDI’s Mission advancing efforts that build inclusive communities, address disparities, and improve the lives of all people who experience disability across the lifespan specific to employment and educating human resource professionals on these areas,” Wickert said. “HDI’s vision is the full participation and contribution of all people with disabilities in all aspects of society.  Employment is a large part of this, so by training and educating human resource professionals -we can advance our vision…It seemed like the perfect fit to help human resource professionals learn ways to recruit and retain an untapped talent pool in Kentucky to address our state’s workforce shortage and participation issues and to help meet the workforce needs of employers.”

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